About Us

Hello! My name is Meryl, I’m the proud owner or Cavachons from the Monarchy. I’ve dedicated most of my adult life to working with and advocating for, animals of all shapes and sizes. However, dogs are my passion! I started my career in the animal care field, as a volunteer coordinator at a local rescue. From there I continued on to a Veterinarian receptionist, then a vet technician. Additionally, I’ve owned a dog daycare and am certified in small animal massage therapy. With my 20 years of experience, responsible breeding & education are now my main goals. I’m happy to help in any way I can to facilitate a better relationship with your dog. 

Each puppy is a unique treasure. We provide high standards of care, safety and comfort with no corners cut. We follow a vigorous state of the art vaccination and deworming program. Our puppies can be expected to retain their good health and vitality as they mature into adult dogs.

Our puppies are sold with care and training instructions and a written health guarantee for genetic disorders. We look forward to a relationship with you for many years to come.

Meryl Callahan, Owner and Breeder 

(413) 454 2692 – [email protected]


Choosing a Cavachon or CavaPooChon Breeder

The web and the world are filled with breeders who aren’t looking to the interests of your or their puppies. Thankfully, there are plenty out there who do what they do in an up-front, honest manner. A good breeder is knowledgeable and candid about their breeding program, and will have a reputation of professionalism by working well with others and honoring their contracts.

  • Integrity​ – Answering questions in a knowledgeable and candid manner with a strong professional reputation. Good breeders will encourage you to get feedback from all sources, not just those they provide.
  • Honesty
  • Transparency
  • Performs Genetic Testing, and special specialty exams looking for such things as Mitral Valve disorder in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels or juvenile cataracts exam for a Bichon Frise.
  • Offers a Health Warranty for 2 years which ensures the puppy has met all their vaccination requirements, been socialized as well as been subject to neural stimulation for a more progressive approach to breeding.
  • A good breeder is a supportive confidante and advisor who supports you whether or not problems arise and stands by their contract.
cavachon puppy with boyscavachon familycavachon puppy with boycavachon familycavachon puppy with girlcavachon family matching pajamascavachon familycavachon puppy dadcavachon puppy momcavachon puppy momcavachon puppy momcavachon family

Socialization of the Puppies and Bio Sensor Exercises

It is commonly held that puppies should not be released before they have reached 8 weeks of age. A good breeder will be concerned about the puppy’s socialization, both with humans of all ages and with dogs, other puppies and other animals. As breeders, we also employ a series of of ‘bio-sensory’ exercises starting on ‘Day 3’ and continue with these very special exercises for several weeks. These very early ‘sensory’ exercises are depicted below (scroll down). Another type of sensory exploration we utilize can be explained by the phrase: ‘the rule of 7’s.’ As Monarchy Cavachon puppies are weaned by their mother, we expose them over the next several weeks to: 7 different surfaces, 7 different sounds, 7 different scents/odors, 7 different people from different backgrounds, 7 new environments in the home and yard, 7 different tastes, etc. This period is thought to be critical in the puppy’s development. A good breeder will expose the puppies carefully, so as to not risk bringing in infectious diseases. Families want a happy, confident puppy that is well adjusted.

Announcing . . . 

Super Dog – Bio-Sensor

Progressive Breeders and Bio Sensory Training for Puppies!

Bio-Sensor Practiced by The Monarchy: We incorporate the Bio-Sensor or Super Dog Program into socialization of our Monarchy Cavachons and temperament development regimen. The Bio Sensor program easily fits into our established puppy rearing process and supports our values. This does not replace our early socialization program.

Bio-Sensory Training for Dogs improves the development of the puppy’s neurological systems by early stimulation and stress. Five benefits have been observed in dogs that were exposed to the Bio Sensor stimulation exercises:

  • Improved Cardiovascular Performance
  • Stronger Heart Beats, 
  • Stronger Adrenal Glands,
  • More Tolerance to Stress, and
  • Greater Resistance to Disease. 

Below are the six Bio Sensor exercises designed to stimulate the neurological system of the puppy. I have incorporated these exercises into our daily puppy routine. Each puppy is put through the following exercises once daily: 

monarchy cavachons

1. TACTILE STIMULATION – Holding the Cavachon puppy in one hand, the handler gently stimulates the pup between the toes on any one foot using a Q-tip.  Time of stimulation 3 – 5 seconds.

monarchy cavachon

2. HEAD HELD ERECT – Using both hands, the Cavachon puppy is held perpendicular to the ground, (straight up), so that its head is directly above its tail. This is an upwards position.  Time of stimulation 3 – 5 seconds.

monarchy cavachons

3. HEAD POINTED DOWN – Hold the Cavachon puppy firmly with both hands the head is reversed and is pointed downward so that it is pointing towards the ground. Time of stimulation 3 – 5 seconds.

monarchy cavachons

4. SUPINE POSITION – Hold the puppy so that its back is resting in the palm of both hands with its muzzle facing the ceiling. Time of stimulation 3-5 seconds.

monarchy cavachons

5. THERMAL STIMULATION – Use a damp towel that has been cooled in a refrigerator. Place the Cavachon puppy on the towel, feet down. Do not restrain it from moving. (See my notes below.) Time of stimulation 3-5 seconds.

Barbara “…It has been shown that breeders should be guided by the rule that it is generally considered prudent to guard against under and over stimulation…  During their first two months of life, a conservative approach would be to expose them to children, people, toys and other animals on a regular basis. Handling and touching all parts of their anatomy is also a necessary part of their learning which can be started as early as the third day of life. Pups that are handled early and on a regular basis generally do not become hand-shy as adults.”

Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia, Comments on Early Neurological Stimulation


Genetic tests are not required for every possible genetic disorder. In fact, special testing does not exist for some of the genetic faults. However, the adult breeding dogs should also be examined by specialists for any genetic fault that the purebred dog is known for. The breeder should follow the AKC guidelines for recommended tests by breed.

For example, the Mitral Valve disorder must be ruled out, for Cavaliers.

Breed Requirements in terms of testing for the Cavalier King Charles include Eye examination by a board certified Ophthalmologist, annually until 5 years old, every two years until 9 years old; Patellar Luxation, examination annually, Congenital Cardiac Disease, examination performed by a Board-Certified Cardiologist, annually.

Breed Requirements in terms of testing for the Bichon include Eye examination by a board certified Ophthalmologist, annually until 5 years old, Patellar Luxation, examination annually.

We are proud to utilize the services of the following professionals:

Nancy Morris, DVM, DACVIM-C
Massachusetts Veterinary Cardiology Services, Inc.
110 North Hillside Road
Suite 17 Deerfield, MA 01373

Dr. Isabel Jurk, MS/VM, Dipl. ACVO
Animal Eye Care of New England
14 Sandy Lane
Whately, MA  01373

Andrew Hershman, DVM,
Wilbraham Animal Hospital
2424 Boston Road

Wilbraham, MA 01057

Cavachons Development

It is commonly held that puppies should not be released before they have reached 8 weeks of age. A good breeder will be concerned about the puppy’s socialization, both with humans of all ages and with dogs, other puppies and other animals. As breeders, we also employ a series of of ‘bio-sensory’ exercises starting on ‘Day 3’ and continue with these very special exercises for several weeks. These very early ‘sensory’ exercises are depicted below (scroll down). Another type of sensory exploration we utilize can be explained by the phrase: ‘the rule of 7’s.’ As puppies are weaned by their mother, we expose them over the next several weeks to: 7 different surfaces, 7 different sounds, 7 different scents/odors, 7 different people from different backgrounds, 7 new environments in the home and yard, etc. This period is thought to be critical in the puppy’s development. A good breeder will expose the puppies carefully, so as to not risk bringing in infectious diseases. Families want a happy, confident puppy that is well adjusted.


A good breeder will always be accessible to you for the life of the dog.  They will be there to support you even if a problem arises and he/she will stand by their contract and be happy to do so!

cavachon familycavachon puppy kisscavachon familypet friendly travel in new englandcavachon puppy with boycavachon familycavachon monarchy beach pet friendly travel

Hello! My name is Meryl, I’m the proud owner or Cavachons from the Monarchy. I’ve dedicated most of my adult life to working with and advocating for, animals of all shapes and sizes. However, dogs are my passion! I started my career in the animal care field, as a volunteer coordinator at a local rescue. From there I continued on to a Veterinarian receptionist, then a vet technician. Additionally, I’ve owned a dog daycare and am certified in small animal massage therapy. With my 20 years of experience, responsible breeding & education are now my main goals. I’m happy to help in any way I can to facilitate a better relationship with your dog. 

Each puppy is a unique treasure. We provide high standards of care, safety and comfort with no corners cut. We follow a vigorous state of the art vaccination and deworming program. Our puppies can be expected to retain their good health and vitality as they mature into adult dogs.

Our puppies are sold with care and training instructions and a written health guarantee for genetic disorders. We look forward to a relationship with you for many years to come.

Meryl Callahan, Owner and Breeder 

(413) 454 2692 – [email protected]


Choosing a Cavachon or CavaPooChon Breeder

The web and the world are filled with breeders who aren’t looking to the interests of your or their puppies. Thankfully, there are plenty out there who do what they do in an up-front, honest manner. A good breeder is knowledgeable and candid about their breeding program, and will have a reputation of professionalism by working well with others and honoring their contracts.

  • Integrity​ – Answering questions in a knowledgeable and candid manner with a strong professional reputation. Good breeders will encourage you to get feedback from all sources, not just those they provide.
  • Honesty
  • Transparency
  • Performs Genetic Testing, and special specialty exams looking for such things as Mitral Valve disorder in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels or juvenile cataracts exam for a Bichon Frise.
  • Offers a Health Warranty for 2 years which ensures the puppy has met all their vaccination requirements, been socialized as well as been subject to neural stimulation for a more progressive approach to breeding.
  • A good breeder is a supportive confidante and advisor who supports you whether or not problems arise and stands by their contract.
cavachon puppy with boyscavachon familycavachon puppy with boycavachon familycavachon puppy with girlcavachon family matching pajamascavachon familycavachon puppy dadcavachon puppy momcavachon puppy momcavachon puppy momcavachon family

Socialization of the Puppies and Bio Sensor Exercises

It is commonly held that puppies should not be released before they have reached 8 weeks of age. A good breeder will be concerned about the puppy’s socialization, both with humans of all ages and with dogs, other puppies and other animals. As breeders, we also employ a series of of ‘bio-sensory’ exercises starting on ‘Day 3’ and continue with these very special exercises for several weeks. These very early ‘sensory’ exercises are depicted below (scroll down). Another type of sensory exploration we utilize can be explained by the phrase: ‘the rule of 7’s.’ As Monarchy Cavachon puppies are weaned by their mother, we expose them over the next several weeks to: 7 different surfaces, 7 different sounds, 7 different scents/odors, 7 different people from different backgrounds, 7 new environments in the home and yard, 7 different tastes, etc. This period is thought to be critical in the puppy’s development. A good breeder will expose the puppies carefully, so as to not risk bringing in infectious diseases. Families want a happy, confident puppy that is well adjusted.

Announcing . . . 

Super Dog – Bio-Sensor

Progressive Breeders and Bio Sensory Training for Puppies!

Bio-Sensor Practiced by The Monarchy: We incorporate the Bio-Sensor or Super Dog Program into socialization of our Monarchy Cavachons and temperament development regimen. The Bio Sensor program easily fits into our established puppy rearing process and supports our values. This does not replace our early socialization program.

Bio-Sensory Training for Dogs improves the development of the puppy’s neurological systems by early stimulation and stress. Five benefits have been observed in dogs that were exposed to the Bio Sensor stimulation exercises:

  • Improved Cardiovascular Performance
  • Stronger Heart Beats, 
  • Stronger Adrenal Glands,
  • More Tolerance to Stress, and
  • Greater Resistance to Disease. 

Below are the six Bio Sensor exercises designed to stimulate the neurological system of the puppy. I have incorporated these exercises into our daily puppy routine. Each puppy is put through the following exercises once daily: 

monarchy cavachons

1. TACTILE STIMULATION – Holding the Cavachon puppy in one hand, the handler gently stimulates the pup between the toes on any one foot using a Q-tip.  Time of stimulation 3 – 5 seconds.

monarchy cavachon

2. HEAD HELD ERECT – Using both hands, the Cavachon puppy is held perpendicular to the ground, (straight up), so that its head is directly above its tail. This is an upwards position.  Time of stimulation 3 – 5 seconds.

monarchy cavachons

3. HEAD POINTED DOWN – Hold the Cavachon puppy firmly with both hands the head is reversed and is pointed downward so that it is pointing towards the ground. Time of stimulation 3 – 5 seconds.

monarchy cavachons

4. SUPINE POSITION – Hold the puppy so that its back is resting in the palm of both hands with its muzzle facing the ceiling. Time of stimulation 3-5 seconds.

monarchy cavachons

5. THERMAL STIMULATION – Use a damp towel that has been cooled in a refrigerator. Place the Cavachon puppy on the towel, feet down. Do not restrain it from moving. (See my notes below.) Time of stimulation 3-5 seconds.

Barbara “…It has been shown that breeders should be guided by the rule that it is generally considered prudent to guard against under and over stimulation…  During their first two months of life, a conservative approach would be to expose them to children, people, toys and other animals on a regular basis. Handling and touching all parts of their anatomy is also a necessary part of their learning which can be started as early as the third day of life. Pups that are handled early and on a regular basis generally do not become hand-shy as adults.”

Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia, Comments on Early Neurological Stimulation


Genetic tests are not required for every possible genetic disorder. In fact, special testing does not exist for some of the genetic faults. However, the adult breeding dogs should also be examined by specialists for any genetic fault that the purebred dog is known for. The breeder should follow the AKC guidelines for recommended tests by breed.

For example, the Mitral Valve disorder must be ruled out, for Cavaliers.

Breed Requirements in terms of testing for the Cavalier King Charles include Eye examination by a board certified Ophthalmologist, annually until 5 years old, every two years until 9 years old; Patellar Luxation, examination annually, Congenital Cardiac Disease, examination performed by a Board-Certified Cardiologist, annually.

Breed Requirements in terms of testing for the Bichon include Eye examination by a board certified Ophthalmologist, annually until 5 years old, Patellar Luxation, examination annually.

We are proud to utilize the services of the following professionals:

Nancy Morris, DVM, DACVIM-C
Massachusetts Veterinary Cardiology Services, Inc.
110 North Hillside Road
Suite 17 Deerfield, MA 01373

Dr. Isabel Jurk, MS/VM, Dipl. ACVO
Animal Eye Care of New England
14 Sandy Lane
Whately, MA  01373

Andrew Hershman, DVM,
Wilbraham Animal Hospital
2424 Boston Road

Wilbraham, MA 01057

Cavachons Development

It is commonly held that puppies should not be released before they have reached 8 weeks of age. A good breeder will be concerned about the puppy’s socialization, both with humans of all ages and with dogs, other puppies and other animals. As breeders, we also employ a series of of ‘bio-sensory’ exercises starting on ‘Day 3’ and continue with these very special exercises for several weeks. These very early ‘sensory’ exercises are depicted below (scroll down). Another type of sensory exploration we utilize can be explained by the phrase: ‘the rule of 7’s.’ As puppies are weaned by their mother, we expose them over the next several weeks to: 7 different surfaces, 7 different sounds, 7 different scents/odors, 7 different people from different backgrounds, 7 new environments in the home and yard, etc. This period is thought to be critical in the puppy’s development. A good breeder will expose the puppies carefully, so as to not risk bringing in infectious diseases. Families want a happy, confident puppy that is well adjusted.


A good breeder will always be accessible to you for the life of the dog.  They will be there to support you even if a problem arises and he/she will stand by their contract and be happy to do so!