Cavachons from The Monarchy Purchase a Cavachon Puppy

Purchase a Cavachon Puppy

Purchase a Cavachon Puppy

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Royal Cavachon Puppies
from the Monarchy


Purchasing Your Cavachon Puppy

  1. The first step is to interview with us. Call Meryl Callahan at 413-454-2692. This will allow you to learn more about us and vice versa!
  2. If the interview goes well and if we have answered all your questions, you can submit the Buyer’s Agreement and submit a $300 non-refundable deposit.
  3. The Monarchy reserves the right, upon determining that the prospective buyer may be unfit to take care of a puppy, to cancel this agreement at any time/up to the time of pick up.  This would be in cases where it was observed or reported that the prospective owner is unstable or for other reasons, cannot prepare for and commit to the caretaking responsibilities.  The purchase price along with the non-refundable deposit would be refunded under these unfortunate circumstances.

Your Guarantee and Buyer’s Agreement – After our interview, we will send you the Buyer’s Purchase Agreement via email. Our Health Guarantee is as follows: 2-Year written health guarantee against debilitating genetic defects. An example is a patella luxation that needs surgery. Cost to surgically repair will be covered up to the purchase price of the puppy. We do recommend pet insurance and will speak to this topic during the interview process. We know many families are happy with Tru-panion Pet Insurance.

Security Deposit

A $300.00 non-refundable security deposit will hold your Cavachon puppy.

Waiting lists will be kept in a first-come, first serve order for the expected litters.

Sending By Regular Mail:

Complete and mail or scan the Buyer’s Agreement (which we will send to you after our interview). You can pay via Paypal and we will send you a link, or you can mail both the $300 deposit and Purchase Agreement to:

Cavachons from The Monarchy
141 Peck Brothers Road
Monson, MA 01057

Sending Electronically:

Send non-refundable security deposit by PayPal using your credit card. All credit card payments are processed through Paypal, the highest rated secure on-line payment service. You are not required to have a Paypal account.  Upon confirmation, we will invoice you for the balance. We are a verified Paypal Merchant. Paypal accepts Master Card, Visa, AMEX, Discover and e-check. Your Purchase Agreement, likewise, can be scanned as an attachment in an email to us. You do not need to have a Paypal account to use this feature.

Paying the Balance on Your Puppy

Cash, money orders and personal checks are welcome. You are also welcome to use your PayPal account or credit card to pay the balance on your Cavachon puppy if you wish. This method includes a 3% transaction fee.

What You Get With Your Puppy Purchase from The Monarchy:

Sadie Composite
  • Two-year guarantee for debilitating genetic faults;
  • Early Medicals: 1st immunization and thorough deworming treatments;
  • Early Socialization including our Bio-sensor early neurological exercises as described on our Q & A page. – It is commonly held that puppies should not be released before they have reached 8 weeks of age. A good breeder will be concerned about the puppy’s socialization, both with humans of all ages and with dogs, other puppies and other animals. It is likely that puppies released sooner than 8 weeks of age will have problems later on in their life relating to other dogs and animals. This period is thought to be critical in the puppy’s development. We will expose our Cavachon puppies carefully (so as to not risk bringing in infectious diseases) to young children, older children, adults and other animals. Our Cavachon and CavaPooChon puppies will be happy, confident and well adjusted;
  • Puppy Folder with health record detailing treatments given with dates and product names;
  • First bag of high quality kibble for puppies;
  • Scent cloth/toy for memory of mother dog and siblings, to put in your Cavachon puppy’s crate;
  • Puppy collar and leash;
  • Breeder support for the life of your Cavachon or CavaPooChon puppy;

Purchase a Cavachon Puppy